Where have I been, you ask? (Well, you may not have noticed my absence but I think my family has). I have been working on packaging for my shoes.
I initially wanted to do some cute little kraft baby shoe boxes but you wouldn't believe how hard it was to find the specific measurements I needed without breaking the bank! So I started thinking (dangerous times around this house) and came up with the idea of putting them in cute little muslin drawstring bags.
Yes, I could have ordered some, but that would have been entirely too easy and practical. Nope. Not me at all. So I decided to make them myself. Somewhere in the middle of making shoes for my inventory, battling a tropical storm and chasing a 9-month-old around the house, I decided to whip this puppy up:
I like using the jute drawstring. It goes with that "organic" feel I love so much. And what creation would be complete without the Adrianne's Joy "citrus butterfly" and logo?
I know I personally have an unhealthy obsession with cute little reusable bags (I'm still holding on to my little black and white striped Bumble & Bumble shopping bag from my last hair appointment 3 weeks ago), so why not share the insanity? I may have to make a few extras for myself….
More news on the business front--I got an email yesterday stating that my business cards have shipped! So that means the "finish line" is just on the horizon! As much as I wanted my "Open Shop" date to coincide with the Fourth of July, I don't think I'll have my cards in time. I'm hoping to decide on a date in the next couple of days. When I do, I'll post it on this website, our Facebook page and on Twitter.
Alright, off to my
sweat shop craft room I go.
Much Love,
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