Thursday, June 28, 2012

In the Bag

Where have I been, you ask? (Well, you may not have noticed my absence but I think my family has).  I have been working on packaging for my shoes.

I initially wanted to do some cute little kraft baby shoe boxes but you wouldn't believe how hard it was to find the specific measurements I needed without breaking the bank!  So I started thinking (dangerous times around this house) and came up with the idea of putting them in cute little muslin drawstring bags.

Yes, I could have ordered some, but that would have been entirely too easy and practical.  Nope.  Not me at all.  So I decided to make them myself.  Somewhere in the middle of making shoes for my inventory, battling a tropical storm and chasing a 9-month-old around the house, I decided to whip this puppy up:

I like using the jute drawstring.  It goes with that "organic" feel I love so much.  And what creation would be complete without the Adrianne's Joy "citrus butterfly" and logo?

I know I personally have an unhealthy obsession with cute little reusable bags (I'm still holding on to my little black and white striped Bumble & Bumble shopping bag from my last hair appointment 3 weeks ago), so why not share the insanity?  I may have to make a few extras for myself….

More news on the business front--I got an email yesterday stating that my business cards have shipped!  So that means the "finish line" is just on the horizon!  As much as I wanted my "Open Shop" date to coincide with the Fourth of July, I don't think I'll have my cards in time.  I'm hoping to decide on a date in the next couple of days.  When I do, I'll post it on this website, our Facebook page and on Twitter.

Alright, off to my
sweat shop craft room I go.

Much Love,

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy First Day of Summer!

Being based in sunny Florida, especially after an unseasonably warm winter, summer seems like it's been hanging around for about a year already.  But I love the official summer season.  Maybe because I'm a July baby, but something just feels so nostalgic about BBQs, fireworks, pools and lazy evenings outdoors at dusk.

I knew I wanted to celebrate the arrival of summertime with a fun version of baby drilles, so I decided to play around with some different colors.  Here's a little sneak peek of what I've been working on:

I'm a sucker for nautical-inspired colors. So Americana!

This day also marks my first official blog post!  A lot of time and love goes into each shoe I make and I love this opportunity to have a platform to share my passion with others.  As I am just a few days away from finally listing baby drilles in my Etsy shop, I find myself bubbling over with a million different emotions. Thoughts like, "What if no one likes them?" and "What if EVERYONE likes them???" to "Am I insane starting a business while trying to care for a 9-month-old baby?" have plagued my mind as the day approaches.  It's a big step, but I have been known to take big leaps of faith in life.

Along with the scripture from Psalm 46:10 ("Be still, and know that I am God") I have a quote written on my whiteboard in my craft room that I read on a friend's facebook page:

"A person is not old until regrets take the place of dreams."

I like the daily reminder that I'm never too old to chase my dreams and that if I just take the time to still my mind, God is there to do His work with me.  I can't wait to share this adventure with you all!

Best Wishes and Happy Summer!